Results for "Mental Health"
CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, July 2004

CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, July 2004

There has been good improvement reported both at home and at school after taking Ritalin, although the benefits at home were less sustained. Fighting occurs with brother due to them winding him up and breaking his toys. Both boys complained that he had been very rough with them and teased. Li...

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Children And Young People’s Mental Health: The Path To Recovery

Children And Young People’s Mental Health: The Path To Recovery

Li Jean-Luc Harris Has been asked to present his life story at this event Li Jean-Luc Harris, Founder, (confirmed) "My lived experience of being sectioned and as a care leaver, who was addicted to drugs and then become homeless." I was addicted to Legal Highs (A.K.A Spice) and...

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Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

I was checked into the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital, Woodland House, KMAH and the careers left me, the day had already gone past, i was scared and afraid. being only 15 and already suffering with a lot of past truama i could only think bad things where going to happen

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Somebody I used to know. – A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles.

Somebody I used to know. – A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles.

for the sake of this story and for privacy the person in this story I will refer to as Jake. A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles. - Meeting Jake Back in the day, I had a blackberry phone with BBM. We all used to add random people from broadcasts and I happened to add...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Developmental Review, February 2001

Li Jean-Luc Harris Developmental Review, February 2001

Li Harris was seen for a developmental Health assessment buy Dr ****. Conclusion had been Li's overall Griffiths score lies within the low/average range. He is Receiving all the necessary input. He is due to start school in September 2001. Li co-operated with tests on his own terms. He has made...

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